Below are various websites that are good places to start with for research for investing. Most sites provide some free data and information, and will also have a premium feature which will provide more in depth information. There is enough information that can be gathered using the free information on these sites to make informed choices. Once you have an online brokerage account most provide more in depth research access with your new account. Many of the online broker services are offering referral fees to new accounts, so make sure you use that feature to get yourself a freebie if you can.

Websites To Grow Your Investments

There are a lot more sites that I may have missed, and I’ll add them as I remember them. These will give you a good place to start. When your done check out our Over 50 Smart Posts, Tidbits, and Videos.

Online Discount Investment Brokerages Websites

IRA and Tax Information

  • Ed Slott and Company
  • IRS.Gov

Periodicals or News Sites

  • Barrons
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Investors Business Daily (IBD)
  • CNN Money
  • CNBC
  • Kiplinger

Web or Software Providers

  • Yahoo Finance
  • Google Finance
  • MSN Money
Retirement Investment Websites

Educational or Informational

  • Investopedia
  • American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)
  • SEC Edgar (Government filings)

Data and Article Driven

  • Morningstar
  • Zacks
  • Seeking Alpha
  • Gurufocus
  • Market Watch
  • Motley Fool
  • Finviz
  • Stock Rover

After you spend time with these websites if you have questions reach out to me at editor@greenworthadvisors.com.

Good investing to you.